I apologize to the virtual blogspot world and to my "followers" (ALL FIVE OF THEM) who I'm sure are utterly devastated about my neglect for this blog, having not posted a single thing since February of last year. I suck. However, this is my second attempt at blogging, perhaps semi-regularly, if I can manage that much. I'm still working on my flickr account. Until then, I will post images of my own work a well as the work of my talented art faggy friends.
The next few months are going to be kind of ridiculous. There is an upcoming show at Carroll Community College that I am participating in. Here are the Deetz:
Maryland Printmakers at Carroll Community College Great Hall Exhibition
Show Title: BIG and SMALL
Monday Feb. 8 - Friday March 19 2010
Also, last week I finally submitted my entries for Richmond's 2010 artspace National Juried Printmaking and Photography Exhibition. I should hear word from the jurors whether or not my work was selected by mid February. If it is, THAT IS VERY GOOD NEWS FOR MEEE. I'll keep y'all posted.
One more business related bit:
I'm applying to Pyramid Atlantic's Summer 2010 internship program. Pyramid Atlantic is a Fine Arts center/gallery/press. And they also have Book Arts and Papermaking programs... of which, I can proudly say that I have FINALLY declared my concentration! So basically, this sounds like the most perfect opportunity EVER EVER. Gail, the Chair of the printmaking dept. at MICA, and also my teacher of 2 years, wrote me a super great letter of recommendation. Exciting.
And also super stressful.
In other news, NOT related to school and/or art, what-so-ever:
Pink's performance at the Grammy's this year was FUCKING incredible. Anytime Pink wants to wear nothing but glitter, dunk herself in water, and fly high over head doing acrobatics with a sheet between her legs, is fine by me. After watching this, I had a really amazing dream that I was flying through the air of an auditorium and everybody was applauding me. Thanks, Pink [and sleep inducing cold medicine].
It seems like I am getting progressively sick each day. This is the worst cold ever, ever.
It's still lonely in the fast lane.
It is virtually impossible for me to maintain 90% of relationships in all ways, shapes, and forms. It seems as though I'm inclined to associate with, or perhaps fall for those who's desire to stick around is either questionable or completely non-existent. Maybe I'm addicted to impermenance. The impermanence of these women is devestatingly reminiscent of related episodes from when I was younger. And consequently, I make decisions based on an unchangable reality, decisions that will serve as reminders of a profound feeling of love and pain. All too often, it's my better judgement that gets left in the dust. Or maybe, just maybe, it's the exact opposite - I want something that is constant, some sort of resolve, but I will never have this. I'm in a enduring state of waiting, longing, closeness to something that I once had. But it's over. And I can not be happy with it. Can't let it go. Because it seems like practically every aspect of my life has been, to some extent, determined by this one fucked up thing that I will never be okay with, that I am ashamed of, and that I do not know how to deal with.
I would like to conclude with 3 things I am grateful for today:
> My roommate for making me coffee and for bringing me cough drops.
> My professors in the printmaking dept. for never doubting my abilities and my drive for what I do, and for their RECOGNITION. Thank you thank you thank you, you all are amazing.
> And lastly, the Foo Fighters for Everlong. Thanks, Foo Fighters - it's too often that I forget how good y'all are.